

ENGLLISH / 2023-08-22 / 點閱數: 2846

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Nanshin Junior High School

No.65, Minzhi Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City 730, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

<educational philosophy of Principal>

Based on students’ best learning as the main goal to run the school, teaching methods are designed to be creative and multi-dimensional by teachers to establish an innovative and open learning environment.

To build a school filled with love, respect, energy, perspective, and air of art, sinshih junior high school will also nurture students with activities of literary arts, and education on human relationship.

students are encouraged to develop an attitude of active learning. By concentrating on the process of students’ acquisition and providing joyful learning atmosphere, the school aims to equip students with the ability to plan life-long learning to fulfill their dreams.

<School Features>

1.Enhance teachers’ professional properties. The purpose of arranging efficient teaching methods is to help students adopt positive learning attitude.
2.To fulfill multiple educational activities and to develop students’ both healthy mind and strength are to help them become responsible and creative teenagers.
3.In order to afford students a happy and healthy environment, we build a secure and excellent school.
4.We fulfill personalized teaching and the development of personal properties to help students learn from their daily life and help them surpass themselves.
5.School development priorities emphasis on human rights, respect for diversity, emphasis on character and fitness development.


Principal ‘s office

Educational Affairs Division

Student Affairs Division

General Affairs Division

Counseling Division



Principal’s Office  
Office Of Academic Affairs Student grades, registration, teaching evaluation, course and examination arrangement, in-service teacher training arrangement.


–>Curriculum Section
–>Registrar Section
–>Equipment Section
–>Information Technology Section

Office Of Student Affairs Guidance of school safety, promoting of sports events, law and discipline education, recycle management, student talent competition activities.


–>Discipline Section
–>Student Activities Section
–>Hygiene Section
–>Physical Education Section

Office Of General Affairs Construction, maintenance, property management, purchasing, facilities service, documentation, cashier.


–>Purchase & Maintenance Section
–>Documents & Files Section
–>Cashier Section

Counselors’ Office Student living and learning consultation, small group consultation.


–>Counseling Section
–>Student Information Section



Contacts Us

No.65, Minzhi Rd., Xinying Dist., Tainan City 730, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Tel: (06) 6563129

Fax: (06) 6151044
Email: adminnsjh@nsjh.tn.edu.tw

Contact Us

Principal    +886-6-6563129#10
Director of Academic Affairs Office    +886-6-6563129#11
Director of Student Affairs Office    +886-6-6563129#12
Director of General Affairs Office    +886-6-6563129#14
Director of Counseling Office    +886-6-6563129#18
System maintain   +886-6-6563129  #9

Detail in Organization